5 Cool Things You Didn't Know About Netflix

None of us can imagine a day without Netflix? From enjoying the Good Doctor series with your family to binge-watching Money Heist all night, Netflix offers one of the biggest multimedia repositories to a worldwide audience.

Originally known as "kibble," Netflix generates around 15 percent of the global Internet traffic. Moreover, this online streaming service includes different hacks and tricks to elevate user experience, including plug-ins, Netflix secret codes, a hidden menu to adjust bit rate, and many more.

Read along to learn five cool things about Netflix that you were unaware of.

1. Accessing More Movie Genres

Netflix offers numerous genres than what you see on your home screen; however, there is a trick to access hidden categories, such as drama, action, Sci-Fi, and many more.

You can access different genres by typing a specific URL in the following format:


All you need to do is to replace ### with a code designated to a specific genre. For instance, code 11140 corresponds to supernatural thrillers, while 67897 allows you to watch Korean TV dramas.

2. How to Stop Buffering Using a Hidden Menu

The buffering icon in the middle of a suspense scene is a buzzkill; however, the good news is that Netflix offers a hidden menu to eliminate buffering. You can press Shift, Alt, and left-click in Windows or Shift, Option, and click on your Mac laptop while streaming.

A secret menu window will pop up on the screen. Next, you need to select "Screen Manager" and click the "Manual" option to modify the streaming bitrate.

For instance, a lower number reduces the image quality of the movie; however, it's the best possible solution if you have a slower Internet connection. This way, you'll be able to watch the film with regular buffering hiccups.

3. Netflix Pre-Launched Components

Do you want to know the new upcoming Netflix features before your friends? Then, all you need to do is follow the below steps to access the pre-launched features before the commercial release.

You must go to the settings, select the option "test preparation," and you are done. This way, you can access all the upcoming features and help Netflix figure out the features' effectiveness and usability.

By testing the upcoming features, you'll assist Netflix in what works best with the audience. However, accessing upcoming features doesn't mean you'll be able to watch Netflix shows and movies before the release dates.

4. Deleting Browsing History

We all understand the Netflix algorithm and big data science to recommend different movies and shows based on the viewing history. Everyone has guilty pleasures - for some, it may be watching Bridezillas.

If you don't want anyone to find out what you have been watching all Saturday night, we have got great news for you.

The following two ways allow you to see your viewing history on Netflix:

• First, you can go to the settings menu in "Your Account" and select the "Viewing Activity." Here, you can click the X option available on the right side of the show title to remove the show.

• Alternatively, you can go to the ‘Viewing Activity’ section. Here, you can see the list of all the movies and shows you have watched. If you are embarrassed about watching Hitch five or six times, you can remove it from the list.

However, you should know that the viewing history presents the complete list of shows you watch regularly. So, it means it will show Barbie as many times as you have watched it.

Unfortunately, you can't bulk remove the shows; instead, you have to delete them one by one. That's why it may take some time to remove all your guilty pleasures from the list.

5. Want to Ban Your Friends?

Sometimes, people share the Netflix account details with too many friends who often take advantage of your one-time offer. However, you can take control of your Netflix account and remove all the excess baggage.

If you don't want to indulge in awkward conversations with people who use your account permission, you can go to your account page and select "Sign out of All Devices" to remove other people.

However, this step takes around eight hours to log out all the users from the account.

Final Verdict

With more than 137 million global subscribers, Netflix is one of the best streaming services.

That's why Netflix prioritizes user experience by offering some cool hacks to its viewers to access hundreds of genres, take complete control of the account, and delete the guilty pleasures.

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